How to run the Web App Locally

published by: Tyler Lu, Todd Baginski


  1. Install Docker.

    To run the the Web App locally, please install Docker first. The Docker Community Edition is sufficent. You can get it here:

  2. Choose 2 ports.

    We will build the Dockerfile and run the Docker image locally. Two ports on the local computer are required to be mapped to ports inside the Docker container.

    • Web App Port: for example 8080

    • SSH Port: for example 22

    Please choose two ports that are not used by other processes.

  3. Register OAuth applications.

    Follow Register OAuth applications to register GitHub and LinkedIn OAuth Applications with the following parameters:

    • GitHub OAuth Application:

      • Name: Developer Finder - Local

      • Homepage:<Web-App-Port>

      • Callback URL:<Web-App-Port>/complete/github/

    • LinkedIn OAuth Application:

      • Name: Developer Finder - Local

      • Website URL:<Web-App-Port>

      • Redirect URL:<Web-App-Port>/complete/linkedin-oauth2/

  4. Clone or download the source code to you computer.

Build the Dockerfile and Run the Docker image

  1. Open a Terminal window and navigate to the source code root folder.

  2. Build the Dockerfile by executing the following command:

    docker build -t developer-finder .
  3. Run the Docker image by executing the following command:

    docker run \
        -p <Web-App-Port>:80 \
        -p <SSH-Port>:2222 \
        -e USE_SQLITE_DATABASE=true \
        -e SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY=<GitHub-ClientID> \
        -e SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET=<GitHub-Client-Secret> \
        -e SOCIAL_AUTH_LINKEDIN_OAUTH2_KEY=<LinkedIn-ClientID> \
        -e SOCIAL_AUTH_LINKEDIN_OAUTH2_SECRET=<LinkedIn-Client-Secret> \

    Replace the placehoders with the ports you chose and the Client Id & Client Secrets you created.


    -e USE_SQLITE_DATABASE=true tells the backend app to use a SQLite database. If you want to use a MySQL database, please replace it with the command text below:

    -e MYSQL_HOSTNAME=<Your-MySQL-Hostname> \
    -e MYSQL_USERNAME=<Your-MySQL-Username> \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<Your-MySQL-Password> \ 
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=<Your-MySQL-Database> \  
  4. Open<Web-App-Port> in your web browser.

Stop the Docker container

  1. Open a new Terminal window.

  2. Run:

    docker ps

    The output will look like this:

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED
    d8ac8bd6fbab        developer-finder    "/opt/"   4 minutes ago
  3. Copy the CONTAINER ID value, then run:

    docker stop <CONTAINER ID>

    Please replace <CONTAINER ID> with the container ID you copied.