Deploy the Azure Components

published by: Tyler Lu, Todd Baginski

  1. In your web browser, navigate to your fork of this repository.

  2. Click the Deploy to Azure button below:

    Deploy to Azure

  3. Fill in the values in the deployment page:

    • Resource group:

      We suggest you create a new resource group and name it DeveloperFinder[Suffix].

    • Location:

      IMPORTANT NOTE: Web App for Containers are currently (as of September 2017) not available in all regions. You must choose one of the regions listed in this article.

    • Web App Name:

      Use the name you chose at the start of these instructions that follows the developer-finder-[suffix] naming convention.

    • Web App Location:

      IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST choose a different region for the web application, because they cannot be created in the same region and the same resource group.

    • OAuth Git Hub Client Id & Secret:

      Use the client id and secret of the GitHub OAuth app.

    • OAuth LinkedIn Client Id & Secret:

      Use the client id and secret of the LinkedIn OAuth app.

    • Database Admin Login Name:

      It cannot be ‘azure_superuser’, ‘admin’, ‘administrator’, ‘root’, ‘guest’ or ‘public’.

    • Database Admin Login Password:

      This field should be between 8 and 128 characters long. Your password must contain characters from three of the following categories – English uppercase letters, English lowercase letters, numbers (0-9), and non-alphanumeric characters (!, $, #, %, etc.).

    • Ruby Chat Docker Image:

      Please keep the default value: appsvc/demoapp-rubychat.

    • Twilio Account SID & Auth Token & From Phone Number.

      They are optional. Use the values you got from your Twilio account.

    • Source Code Repository URL:

      Use the URL of the repository you just cloned.

  4. Check I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

  5. Click Purchase.

  6. Wait until the ARM template deployment process completes.