Set up the CI/CD

published by: Tyler Lu, Todd Baginski

  1. Navigate to the resource group you just created and deployed, then click the developer-finder-[suffix] Web App:

  2. Click Continuous Delivery, then click Configure:

  3. Click Choose container registry, the pre-configured private registry will be loaded:

  4. Click OK (the right one).

  5. Click Configure continuous delivery:

    • Code repository: choose GitHub.
    • Repository: choose this GitHub repository that you forked.
    • Branch: choose master.
    • Dockerfile path: change it to Dockerfile.
  6. Click OK (the right one).

  7. Click Select a Team Service account:

    • Create a new account or using an existing one.
    • Create a new project or using an existing one.
  8. Click OK (the right one).

  9. Click OK.

    Note: It takes a few minutes to finish: